Monday, June 18, 2012


After almost passing out at work this afternoon, my boss insisted I go to the doctor today. So I did.

First, I'd like to point out that I'm having pregnancy symptoms galore. Sore girls, heightened sense of smell, exhausted, heartburn, positive pregnancy tests. So there is not a bone in my body that doesn't believe that I am indeed pregnant. Now, I do realize that just because I feel I'm pregnant, doesn't mean there is a healthy pregnancy going on in there.

I get to the doctor's office and tell the nurse what's going on. She then tests my blood count, and does a urine pregnancy test. Now, I've had all sorts of bad luck with urine pregnancy tests at doctor's offices and hospitals, so this one is of course negative. I don't think the nurse let it go long enough though, because like I said, there is no doubt I've gotten plenty of BFPs, and I am pregnant (see above). We move on to what to do, decide on ultrasound because I've been bleeding for two weeks there is a chance I'm hemorrhaging or there is a clot, and this could mean an infection. We also decide to do a beta quant, and run a few other random tests. The ultrasound came up clear-- no clots, tubes/ovaries look good, lining is thick. Tomorrow I'm expecting a low beta quant, followed by a non-doubling repeat on Wednesday, and to have have some sort of "induced miscarriage".  There is a slim, slim, SLIM chance that the numbers will double, and because of this slim chance, I'm on my medication.

The one good thing to come of all this is that this doctor is going to re-do the tests my last doctor did so they are on file in my file. This means that when I go see the next specialist the tests will be there and I won't have to play the "where are your test results" game for three and a half hours.

So we wait. Tomorrow I get the beta result. Tomorrow hopefully I will know what is going on.

This is what I do know for sure: this may be my last attempt at pregnancy for a long, long, long time.

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